Modules Available in City Halls Digitization Solution

Online Submission
- Category, brief description of the problem, location on the map for which the complaint is made, attachment of relevant photos.
- On the map, the application displays: active complaints (new or in progress), resolved complaints (favourable, unfavourable, partial, competence decline).
- By filling the category, the complaint is automatically assigned to a department within the city hall;
- If other departments need to be involved, it is assigned to their workflow.
- When the complaint has a resolution, citizens will receive a response by e-mail or in the city hall web portal account and the status will be updated on the map with the corresponding information.
Town Planning

Management of PUG/PUZ/PUD, RLU Documents
- The application uses a layer-based structure (layers), which allows the inclusion of existing geospatial data
- Intra-village units, transport routes, hydrographic network, urban networks, cadastre, orthophotos, etc.
- The application allows the creation of layers related to PUZs and PUDs
- The application provides specific functionalities to import geometry related to existing or future PUZs into the application
- The application allows the management of basic documents (PUGs, PUZs, PUDs, UTRs, RLUs) related to the management process of town planning documents
- The application provides mechanisms for the approval of town planning documents. The solution allows the listing of all existing town planning documents and regulations in force applicable to an area for which a new town planning document is to be issued
- Introduction and management of public utility objectives and management of their related attributes
Management of Documentation for Town Planning Certificate
- Search the database through the module interface
- Registration, printing, editing of building/demolition permits, etc.
- Functionalities for entering the PVs of reception in the system, in correlation with the related permits
- Functionalities for entering certificates of attestation of the building construction in the system in conjunction with acceptance certificates
- Functionalities for online submission by citizens of an application for issuance of a CU or an AC through a GIS map
- Allows the electronic uploading of the supporting documents required for the issue of the town planning certificate (deeds of acquisition, property deeds, etc.)
- Notifications to citizens and inspectors on the status of the processing of documents in the workflow (e.g. notification shall be given to the applicant when the town planning certificate is issued)
- Flow of viewing, reporting, validation of forms made available to stakeholders involved in work processes
- Generate the town planning certificate in electronic format
- Allows citizens to download the issued town planning certificate in electronic format
- Configurable alerts on approaching expiry dates
- Management of the final validation process of the documentation (workflow, status of work on the document: in progress, completed)
- Register of town planning certificate issued or extended
- Register of issued or extended building/demolition permits
- Register of work completion report
- List of works commencement
- Register of license certificate
- Register of notices of commencement of works at monthly level
- Register of street name and address certificates
- Register of street network
- Records of extensions for building/demolition permits
- Functionalities to define dynamic reports, using alphanumeric or spatial filters
- Functionalities to generate lists according to different criteria: lists of issued CU/AC, according to date of issue, status (expired, valid, extended, etc.), address
- Functionalities for exporting/printing reports in different formats (excel, pdf, csv)
Management of local police activities for:
- Operational planning
- Defining work stations
- Defining the list of daily activities
- Generate control activity results
- Extraction of data on patrol layout
- Mapping of patrol planning data, areas and patrol routes
- Analysis and filtering of incidents/searches by different criteria/attributes
- Production of necessary reports and analyses (predefined and ad-hoc)
Residential Parking Rental
This type of service is made available to citizens through the online e-services on the city hall web portal. Citizens have the possibility to locate and identify on the map the car park they want to rent.- Submitting a parking space rental request
- Residential parking space allocation
- Extension of residential parking space
- Monitoring, reporting
Integration with Other Public Entities
- Interface with APIA system
- Interface with ANSVSA system
- Interface with ANCPI system
Cemetery Administration
The application is intended for internal use within the city hall and allows the management of documents related to local cemeteries: the record of burial places, with their positioning on the map; the record of the persons who have granted a concession for the burial places, the period and integration with the specific application of taxes and fees; reports on unoccupied sites, persons in arrears with payment of the annual fee, etc.Maps of Local Interest
The module can manage different types of thematic, interactive maps in GIS format, integrated with the modules/components of the whole solution. Examples:- Map concessions, lease contracts
- Investment targets map
- Heritage map
- Project implementation map